My Cancerversary: Diagnosed with Breast Cancer 10 Years Ago Today — Gigi Pandian

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My Cancerversary: Diagnosed with Breast Cancer 10 Years Ago Today

Ten years ago today, on June 30, 2011, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I had just turned 36. My life was thrown upside down, my plans changed forever. I had a full year of treatments ahead of me, including surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation.

But along with the bad, there was so much unexpected good. I figured out how to live life to the fullest in ways I had never previously thought possible. I learned who my good friends were. And I realized my dream of becoming a published novelist—it was my fabulous writers group who bought me my favorite chemo wig! When I recovered, I rented out a big flat in Edinburgh and invited my writers group to join me on a writing retreat. No agenda, just living life to the fullest. 

I hadn’t realized the rut I’d been in, until this anniversary crept up on me. 

Initially, that cancer diagnosis was the kick I needed to think about what I really wanted to do with my life. What did living life to the fullest mean? Stop worrying about trivial problems, spend more time with friends and family, slow down, savor, travel, cook, throw myself into writing.

I confess that as the years go by and I'm further from cancer, it's more difficult to remember to not sweat the small stuff. I've achieved so many of my dreams from 2011, and my writing career has exceeded those dreams. Yet... unimportant worries push their way into daily life.

I'm healthy and thriving today.

So on this big 10 year anniversary, I'm taking a step back and assessing my life, just like I did 10 years ago during cancer. What will that mean? I'm not sure yet, but I’m doing the work this month, leading up to that fateful June 30 anniversary when my life turned upside down.

And next year, I get to celebrate 10 years cancer free! I wonder what I’ll do…
